VIC – Valley InterCommunity Council
ph: 818.880.4842
Years Won: 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016 (Best), 2015 (Favorite)
Pre Covid-19 Photo.
Diversity.Inclusion.Equity represents VIC’s core values. Formed in 1964, VIC continues to advocate, take action and provide needed programs and services for individuals, families and older adults in diverse communities across the San Fernando Valley. Breaking bread takes on added meaning for adults 60+ who come together from different ethnicities and racial backgrounds to share a nourishing meal and activities. Combating food insecurity, social isolation, loneliness with a focus on wellness is achieved by a diverse, compassionate board, staff and volunteers like Rudy Calderon, 104 who attends the Alicia Broadous-Duncan Senior Center in Pacoima where he has volunteered for 30 years.
In response to COVID-19, VIC closed its four centers and nutrition sites in March. Declared an essential service, VIC immediately pivoted its services to provide home-delivered meals to seniors under stay at home orders and initiated specific programs to mitigate social isolation and loneliness. Since mid-March VIC has served approximately 350,000 meals together with city, state and local partners including Los Angeles Dept. of Aging and others.
When re-opening VIC programs and services will include: The statistics for 2019:
- 308,000 meals served
- 42,000 rides: Transportation program
- In-home care management program
- Wellness programs: Matter of Balance classes, Silver Sneakers and more
- Creative and educational classes: Creative Writing, Current Events, Computer
- Intergenerational fitness activities
- Counseling for Medicare, taxes
- Social Services referral program
The 2010 Census reported the Northeast San Fernando Valley as the most diverse in Los Angeles where VIC’s Alicia Broadous-Duncan Multipurpose Senior Center has served the community since 1995.
VIC-Valley InterCommunity Council is honored to be voted as the Daily News Readers Choice for the 2020 BEST Nonprofit Organization, our fifth year in a row. We express our deep appreciation to the Valley community and to the City of Los Angeles for its continuing support of VIC’s services and programs that help to improve the lives of seniors in the San Fernando Valley!
Enriching Lives. Strengthening Communities.