State Farm Insurance
ph: 800.STATE.FARM [800.782.8332]
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Years Won: 2018–2012 (Best)
Few brands are in as many neighborhoods across America as State Farm.™ And because we’re in so many neighborhoods, we’ve come to understand neighborhoods as more than just geographic locations – they’re also collections of people who share common goals, values and passions.
For almost a century, State Farm has earned the reputation of being a “good neighbor” by applying this understanding to our business. We’ve always been about people, about relationships, about being Here to Help Life Go Right.™ It’s become more than our line of work – it’s our life’s work. But it’s sometimes easy to overlook how we help beyond our core business – the impact we have in communities we live in and serve.
We’re not just a company that donates money – we’re here to help people and communities create positive, sustainable and measureable societal impact. Through initiatives to help make safer, stronger, smarter communities, as well as the hundreds of thousands of volunteer hours our people give in their own communities, helping is at the heart of who we are.
When you step back, you can see we’ve created something big, a neighborhood that reaches far beyond a specific location: we call it our Neighborhood of Good.
It’s another way we’ll help more people, in more ways. Join the movement at™